Save the Date: April 12!
Present Sponsors
Boxboro Regency Hotel and Conference Center
Enterprise Bank, Acton
Northern Bank, Acton
Star Eyes, Boxborough

To print and/or download the Flyer for Bid For Brighter Futures: The Funniest Fundraiser Around! click here.
To become a Sponsor of Bid For Brighter Futures: The Funniest Fundraiser Around! click here.
Looking for a wonderful way to create hope in the world? Seeking local, worthy causes to support? Interested in volunteering with People For Action for one or more Service Above Self projects?
Gather up your family and friends and join the Rotary Club of Acton-Boxborough for its 2024 Bid For Brighter Futures: The Funniest Fundraiser Around! on Friday, April 12 from 5:30 to 10:00 p.m. at the Boxboro Regency Hotel and Conference Center, in the Grand Ballroom and Terrace.
World-renowned trivia/game show host Bobby Roast Beef will entertain you with his audience-interactive Game Night. For even more fun, you will have a chance to win one of many great raffle prizes.
"Our fundraiser, which will be fun for all and impactful on so many, will support four local charities," according to Club President Dean Roberts. "For or many years, they have provided essential help to people in need in the Acton-Boxborough area."
To download the event Flyer in PDF format, click here.
The “Bobby Roast Beef” entity came to life in 2005, when Rob Charette was playing drums for local alternative-rock rock band Prescription America.
It was both a play on the character “Johnny Roast Beef” in the movie “GoodFellas,” and a tongue-and-cheek joke about Rob's "beefy" physique.
And it stuck!
Since then, it is how Rob has been known in the entertainment world. To watch Bobby Roast Beef perform at Plan B Burger Bar in Springfield, click here.
To learn more about Bobby Roast Beef, click here.
Net proceeds from this year's Bid For Brighter Futures: The Funniest Fundraiser Around! will support the following local, worthy charities:
Acton Food Pantry, which has served clients from Acton, Boxborough, and surrounding towns for 25 years. To learn more, click here.
Cooperative Elder Services, which provides adult-day health services to seniors and adults with medical and/or cognitive challenges who reside in Acton and surrounding communities … To learn more, click here.
Danny’s Place, which opened its doors in 2006 to the youth of the entire Acton-Boxborough community. To learn more, click here.
Domestic Violence Services Network, which works with local courts and agencies to help end the cycle of domestic violence by providing support, advocacy, and resources to victims. To learn more, click here.
Bid For Brighter Futures: The Funniest Fundraiser Around! tickets are $60 each, and $480 for a reserved table.
The deadline for ticket purchases is April 5.
Send your payment to:
Rotary Club of Acton-Boxborough
Attention: BFBF Tickets
P.O. Box 2121
Acton, MA 01720-6161
For more information, contact our Club's president, Dean Roberts, at or 843-422-0978 mobile/text.
To become a Sponsor of Bid For Brighter Futures: The Funniest Fundraiser Around! click here.
The deadline for sponsorship purchases is March 31.
Our Present Sponsors
Enterprise Bank, Acton
Northern Bank, Acton
Star Eyes, Boxborough
For more information, contact our Club's president, Dean Roberts, at or 843-422-0978 mobile/text.
Raffle Donations
Please provide this information about your Bid For Brighter Futures: The Funniest Fundraiser Around! raffle donation:
Donation Item
Donation Value
Donor Name
Contact Person
Contact E-Mail
Contact Phone (not required)
Please mail both your information and your donation to:
Rotary Club of Acton-Boxborough
Attention: BFBF ‘24 Raffle Donation
P.O. Box 2161
Acton, MA 01720-6161
The deadline for raffle donations is April 5.
For more information, contact our Club's president, Dean Roberts, at or 843-422-0978 mobile/text.
Focused locally on four basic human needs
Our Club adheres to Rotary International's Four-Way Test: "In all the things we think, say, or do: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? and Will it be beneficial to all concerned? To learn more about the Rotary Principles, including the Four-Way Test, click here, or visit
Prompted by the encouragement many years ago of the late Bud Flannery a founding member of the club, Acton-Boxborough added a Fifth Test: Will it be fun?
Our Club focuses on four basic human needs in the region: food sufficiency; home safety; seniors service; and youth service. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, those needs have never been greater.
You are welcome to join our Club Meetings on the first and third Wednesdays from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Boxborough Regency, located at 242 Adams Place in Boxborough. We also hold Social Gatherings on the fourth Wednesday from 5:45 to 8:30 p.m. at the Boxborough Regency.
Check us out online:
For more information, contact our Club's president, Dean Roberts, at or 843-422-0978 mobile/text.
People Of Action in Service Above Self
Formed in 1905, Rotary International is the world's first service-club organization, with more than 1.4 million members in more than 46,000 clubs worldwide. Founded in 1962, the Rotary Club of Acton-Boxborough has more than 20 members.
Rotary District 7910 covers more than 50 clubs in central and eastern Massachusetts with a total of 1,200 members. To learn more, click here.
Rotary International serves more than 46,000 clubs worldwide with a total of more than 1.4 million members. To learn more, click here.
The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. To learn more, click here.
For more information, contact our Club's president, Dean Roberts, at or 843-422-0978 mobile/text.